Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Walkers Walking through the El Mercat Neighborhood

The map of our route.
Valencia is a beautiful city.  The architectural details throughout the city are amazing.  Anything from door knockers to drain pipes to lamp posts to balconies and so much more have intricate designs.  On September 24th we ventured into the El Mercat neighborhood to explore on foot.  We began our day in the Plaza de la Virgin which is only fitting as we love this square.  We walked for a couple of hours through the maze of streets.  We stopped for a tasty treat snack in the El Mercado.  We enjoyed the famous street art as we wandered as well. 
Liam decided to sit on a park bench in the shade to get some alone time and people watch perhaps?! 

Amelie, Bobby, and Liam standing in the Valldigna Portal. The old city of Valencia was surrounded by a wall of which today there only remains two of its original entrances and a few bits and pieces scattered about the city. The two entrances are the Torres de Serranos and Torres de Quart towers and gateways (which are seen in other posts). This is one of the old wall's remaining bits here on Portal de Valldigna street. The archway built in 1440 leading into what was the old Arab quarter. The housing over the gate dates back to 1678.   
The contrast of the old and new always jump out to me.  As we walked around the narrow streets there were some houses in immaculate condition with neighboring houses crumbling to pieces.  Here is one such example of just a remaining wall of a long ago structure.
We looked at many churches from the outside as most were only open for religious services.
The street art is more than just graffiti here.  As you can see in the pictures, it truly is art.

Resting near El Mercado after our yummy snack.
Plaza Redonda is a round square that is set up perfectly for markets and vendors selling goods.
Amelie and Liam getting cooled off by the fountain outside of  Iglesia de San Juan del Hospital.  This is one of the oldest buildings in Valencia.

We walked by Banos árabes del Almirante, Iglesia de Santo Tomás, Palau de la Generalitat, and so much more.  We were not able to go in many of the buildings for various reasons such as not being a religious hour, not being open for renovations, and the lovely Spanish hours of siesta.

Once home, Amelie drew the masterpiece pictured below.  What is it you ask?  It is me riding my bike with her in the bike seat (we were always biking partners).  The sun is shining, but there is some hot wind blowing.  I loved this so much that I just had to share!

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