Sunday, April 14, 2013

Eiffel Tower Sparkle

Having lived in Paris for 2 months and never seeing the Eiffel Tower at night, we decided it was time to make this happen.  We packed a picnic dinner of PB & Jelly (PB thanks to my mom as it is SUPER expensive here!).  Enjoying our picnic at the park at the base of the Eiffel Tower was a perfect choice.  The kids were able to play and we enjoyed the spectacular view.  We played while watching the sunset and the Eiffel Tower start to glow.  Once the sun sets, the Eiffel Tower will sparkle for around 10 minutes on the hour.  We all loved it!  It was well worth having the kids out past their bedtime to see.  We will have to do this again before we leave Paris.
Amelie and Liam playing in the sand at a playground. 
Watching the sunset.
Look at it sparkle!!!! 

Morgan put this video together.  You will need to click on it below for it to play.  If you would like the sound on, you can click the mute button on the top.  It is a short video on a loop so don't be confused if you keep seeing the same thing over and over again. :)

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